Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Stupid Stuff...

If you get more than 35 you're paranoid.

If you get 15 or less you're fearless.

People who don't have any are dummies who want people to think they are tough stuff.

I Fear...

[] the dark (Ehhhh, enough night lights and it's no big whoop if Brutus isn't doing the big devil head shadow on the wall stuff)

[] staying single forever (What's the problem with that? Friends and good books...what more can you ask for?)

[] being a parent (Good Lord, I need a drink)

[] giving birth (see above)

[] being myself in front of others (And exactly who else would I be?)

[] open spaces

[] closed spaces

[x] heights (It's more of a fear of falling from heights...)

[] cats (Not afraid of them but don't like'em...esp a certain little bitch named Bowser the attacker! Slut! No offense to our Miss Toonces)

[] dogs (love me some woofers!)

[] birds

[] fish

[x] spiders (Shudders!)

[] driving or being in cars

[x] flying (Have to be drugged or intoxicated)

[] flowers or other plants

[] being touched

[] fire

[x] deep water (see below)

[x] the ocean (Seriously, who knows what's out there! Have no desire to meet Nessy or any of her ilk, thank you very much!)

[]failure (We all fail at something so no, it's not a fear)

[] success

[] thunder/lightning (I like a nice storm as long as no one gets hurt)

[] frogs/toads

[] my boyfriends/girlfriends dad

[] my boyfriends/girlfriends mom

[] mice/rats

[x] jumping from high places (Are ya friggin' kidding me?)

[] snow

[] rain

[] wind

[x] crossing hanging bridges (Unless there was a movie type killer behind me I couldn't do it)

[x] death (Want no part of the big D)

[] Heaven

[] being robbed (With my mouth, I'd be murdered so this goes in the murder fear, not the actual robbing because that would piss me off more than scare me)

[] cotton balls

[] cemetaries at night

[] clowns

[] large crowd

[] men

[] women

[] having great responsibility

[x] doctors (Nothing good ever comes from seeing those bastards! Well, the drugs but otherwise, they're evil bastards)

[] tornadoes/hurricanes

[] diseases

[x] snakes (Eeeeeesh!)

[x] sharks (Uhhhhh Jaws, hello!)

[] Friday the 13th

[] ghosts

[x] poverty (My 4 leggers and I are use to a certain lifestyle so yeah, poverty is a scary thought...Oooo and Walmart, I don't think I could do it! WallyWorld scares the bejebus out of me, this is no joke, freaks me out big time)

[] Halloween

[] school

[] trains or railroads

[] odd numbers

[] even numbers

[] being alone at night

[] being blind

[] being deaf

[] growing up (I'll comment on that when it happens)

[] monsters under my bed

[] creepy noises in the night (That would be a gassy great dane or shar pei but I'm use to it)

[] bee stings

[] bees

[] not accomplishing my dreams/goals

[x] needles (Oh man, I need a xanax just seeing this word)

[] blood (not fearful of it but it would and has caused a thud or two in life)

[] dinosaurs (Ross, did you write this quiz?)

[] the welcome mat (Unless it's at the door to Hell, why would anyone fear a door mat?)

[] feet!

[] having your heart broken

[] being rejected

[] whales

[] your mom

[] your dad

[] rapists (I'd have to be murdered so it's more of a murder fear)

[x] being brutally murdered (the whole OJ thing really messed with my mind for the longest time...still does now and then. absolutely horrifying!)

[] bugs

[] being falsely accused (Uhhhhhh have you seen -----> Pfffffffffttt!)

[] death of a parent (Been there, done that...They lived life their way and are out of pain.)

[] semi-trucks (No fear but all the drivers that pull up beside you and blast that friggin' loud assed horn at you should be shot!)


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