Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween Pound Pups and Cats!

Hi. I'm Toonces.
Bru's allowed me to do this entry today since he was feeling a bit...odd. And besides, those mutts were a bit racist in their selection process yesterday so I deserve some recognition. They obviously don't know who they are messing with! Bwhahaha! Last night we went back to the pumpkin patch for a few more pumpkins and look what we found!

We were truly amazed to see the witches (well...they were amazed, I was laughing my ass off!)since it wasn't yet Halloween night. Unfortunately someone (Crazy B.. names unmentioned) asked them what they were doing out when it wasn't Halloween. Well! Those witches cackled and danced with glee and asked us if they thought they only came out on ONE night a year? I've got to tell you I didn't think any such thing. But nooooo! Someone (Crazy B.. names unmentioned) said she did.

Well that made the witches a bit crazy and they made a few spells while we watched. We gathered our pumpkins and returned to the Pound safe and sound. Or so everyone thought. Turns out those witches had turned everyone, all the mutts, BG and Patsy into cats! Even MY eyes got big as saucers when suddenly! they all turned into cats! Whooo Hoo! Life's grand! Luckily for me and the other mutt cats, we're already cats. so it didn't have any effect on us. We weren't turned into dogs or anything weird. I was laughing my ass off watching all those mutts turn pussy on me! LOL

Anyway, yours truly had a camera and I took pictures for you all to see.

Brute tries to fly...obviously he has his species mixed up and thought he was a bird or something. He went up and up and up! Higher and higher and higher! He's showing Loblows how he can fly. Loblows sat in amazement watching a cat who thought he was a bird. Then suddenly.... splat! BG went running over to Bru baby and he turned to her and said, "you crazy bitch, if you dare talk about taking me to Dr. death I'll...I'll....I'lll! Then Brute looked down at his distorted feline body and said, "Oh, Gawd! Take me! This ain't right!" No wonder he feels odd today.

Here's Crim and Claire, cute little kittens that they are. I think they were trying to each be first up the mantelpiece. I heard Crim say to Claire... "this IS what cats are supposed to do! This is!" Claire, ran up the mantel as fast as she could. Kewl! Awesome! Far Out! I can dig it!

There's Crazy B.. BG teaching Bumpy the finer points of pole dancing. "Now, bumpy...lift your leg up and wrap it around this pole! No! Bumpy! Never mind! Please! Bumpy! Don't lift your leg on this pole! Oh, gawd! Mmust I remind you, Bumpy, that you are STILL a squatter?"

You can tell who got into the booze and party mood right before the spell hit.

Yep. That's Patsy all right. Pats was singing " A well I bless my soul! Whats wrong with her? She's gotta have her ass sittin on a burr! She keeps saying that we are all mutts! But the truth of the matter is that she's just nuts! Her knees they are knocking and her butt must itch.. Can't imagine why else she'd twitch! Of course it will be all of us mutts! Mm mm oh, oh, yeah, yeah! She's all shook up! Please don't ask me whats on my mind! I'm a little mixed up, but I'm feelin fine! When I'm near that bolly that I love best. My heart beats so it scares me to death!

DLG was saying I can't believe I ate the whole thing. Referring of course to a whole pumpkin pie. Not one piece, but the whooole thing!

Right before the picture Mulva told me, "I'm certainly going to feel this in the morning!"

Moe did some stretches before chasing Eliza (just below).

Don't let that pretty puffball exterior fool you. She can out run me!

DJ Sooner showed up wearing that pumpkin hat. Wouldn't take it off all night. DJ said it made her invisible. Yeah. Surrrre DJ!
This cutie is Pei. That cute little face hides a kitten that had fun batting and nipping everyone else's tails. Except mine. Pig snoozed through the whole thing. He woke up this morning feeling fine and Bru's totally disgusted with him.

Sweet Little Lola gal put on that frog head gear and annoyed everyone by sneaking up on them and going Ribbit! Ribbit! when they least expected it.

Mable. Doesn't she look a bit.. pie eyed? She came out of hiding because she was as fast as Bru and the same size. Mabel sashayed around swishing that tail. I never knew cats could thump tails.
We looked all over for that last bottle of bolly. We found NM curled around it this morning. Max kept hiding under chairs and cushions. "Shhhhhh, I'm invisible!"
We found Word right between the pumpkin and the empty. I wondered if her face would stay scrunched up like that once she returned to normal.

Peace floated around all night saying "I'm the ghost of Peace. I'm a Peace a Ghost." She was asked if she would share some of the bolly, she said "What bolly, I don't have any bolly!" Pretty soon we could all hear Peace as she began to sing! "I'm a little heliport, yes I am! You can look at me and know where I've been!" Katie raised everyone's fur by flickering and fading in and out.

Even LoRATta put in an appearance. Andrea's deciding whether the heartburn and indigestion would be worth the trouble. You know what I'm sayin'?

There's a sight to see. Edina, A3rd and Ntegrity got into the catnip. I'd say they might have overdone it.. just a bit.
Meow quacked me up with her duck hat!
Anita started juggling too many glasses at one time and the central one fell out. Now she's all wet!

Madison loudly asked if this wasn't a private party and "who let lorettarat in?" She promptly chased LoRATta away then lost interest in her and headed for the catnip and bolly!

Anony was helping anonymous crawl away from the catnip.

Castaway Jo said, glanced around and said...."Well, Toonces, what a day! Didja eveh think you would see a bunch of clumsy mutts trying to be like us? "

Oooof! I know, Jo. I know. What a day! It just goes to show that when that bewitching hour is upon you, you better watch out! Stranger things have happened. Just look over --------->! Now that's a scarey thought!


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