Sunday, October 22, 2006

Great Danes

Periodically we will take a little time to describe some canine and feline breeds, but today I wanted to tell you a little about my brothers and sisters, the Great Dane.

As males, we are more powerful and massive then our sisters, and some of us weigh as much as 200 pounds! We can stand nearly a yard tall at the withers (that's dog talk for at the shoulders when we are on all fours), and we can easily tower over adult two-leggers if we stand up on our powerful back legs. Bitches normally weigh less than 130 pounds, but that's still bigger than crazy bitch!

We are very loyal and good companions, but we also make very good watch dogs and easily run off delivery people and those who don't belong! Our size alone is intimidating, but we are not aggressive unless we need to be...and then, watch out! The newspaper guy in my neighborhood has developed a darn good throwing arm because he is afraid to get too close! I can make him throw the paper from the middle of the street with one look and a very deep grrrrrr! Just to put us in perspective, here are a few pictures of my buds!

You get a real good idea of our massive size when you see this old guy with a chihuahua. Yes, one of those huge feet you easily squish that little guy, but we are kind and gentle giants unless someone threatens our humans or a smaller friend. This little Chihuahua baby is one who I would fiercely protect with my life.
Thanks for giving me the chance to talk about my brothers and sisters, and if you have a special canine or feline friend you would like to have honored here, I'll be very happy to give up a little space to do so, unless his name is Pei Pig Monique! I will NOT let that fatazz take up any more of my space....well, not without a damn good bribe, anyhow. All other pets and pals will be honored here.


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